Martin Gnadt: Sonny Boy
Bill Brethour: Milk Fever
Gene Bar: Bachelors and Burning
Jackie Hett: Pulling Calves
Kenny Stahl: Cowboyin' and Stuff
Bill Glotzbach: Prisoners of War
Pat Sauble: Open Range
Bill Schwalm: Moving Cattle
Tom Burton: Five and a Half Days
Tony Meseke: Go Devil
Gary Schultz: Sale Barn Wisdom
Evelyn Zeckser and Mary Schultz: Laundry Day
Louis Surber: Broken Strings
Paul Seeley: Seventy-Five Miles
Marcia and Wayne Bailey: Rancher/Cowboy
Annie Wilson: The Dog that stood in the Gate
Dennis Hague and Piper Hayes: A Good Hand
Bev Walker Hedrick: Bib Overalls
Jim Hoy: Buchshot
Clint Huntington: Twenty-five Minutes
Cleo Schultz: Rodeo Tales
Bobby Meseke: Piss and Vinegar
Donita Rogers: The Mailbox Man
Irlene Huntington: Don't Forget
Carol Feyh and Carol Michaelis: Just What You Did
Irene Thoes: Had to be Done
Eula Barrett: Shorty
Jackie Seeley: My Inspiration
Pat Surber: Cowboy Beans
Wayne Bailey and Clint Huntington: It's Wayne!
Ivan and Jeanie Seele: No One Was Bored
Dawson, Holenbeck, and Hund: Dusty
Lanny Ellis: The Picture
Lesline and Bowen: Big as a Bedsheet
Alan Winkler: Mill Creek
Bill Haw: A Conversation with Bill Haw
Dick Poovey: Old Dusty
Rich Porter: Out of Control
Bill Browning: Antenna
Charlie White: I Made My Mark
John Wilson: Eunice Young
Dan Nurnberg: Gates
Harry Whitney: The Flashlight
Glenn and Virginia Czirr: Rocket Eighty-Eight
Bobbie Hammond: Rest Up
Sylvia Brethour: A Makeshift Situation
Jimmy Craig: Tall Mike Johnson
Frank and Margaret Mary Buckman: Wanabe Cowboy
Verne Cluassen: A Dollar Seventy-Five
Mel Stout: The Hill Farm
Bill Hatcher: A Late Burn
Gary Rieck: Seventy Years
Milton Claassen: Unraked Hay
Jim Mertz: One Hundred Strands of String
Glenn Walker: That Mile and a Half
Matt and Tom Perrier: About All that's Left
Bill Sproul: A Pair of Gloves and a Shovel
Heather Fuesz and Irlene Huntington: There's a Reason Why
Tom Moxley: The Flint Hills
Charlie Rayl: All of Us Lived
Jim and Marge Lawson: The Harmony Four
Russell Kraus: Tire Repair
Dan Moege: A Long Drag
Bob and Judy Sommer: Martin's Story
Bill Slade: The Old Red Dog
Earl Kopp: Harveyville
Chuck Kuntz: Harveyville Seed Company
Richard Thompson: Old Mackinaw